jack-dssi-host -V (return code: 1)
jack-dssi-host: Warning: DSSI path not set
jack-dssi-host: Defaulting to "/usr/local/lib/dssi:/usr/lib/dssi:/root/.dssi"
jack-dssi-host: Error: Failed to load plugin library "--version"
jack-dssi-host (return code: 2)
Usage: jack-dssi-host [-v] [-a] [-n] [-p <projdir>] [-c <cname>] [-<i>] <libname>[:<label>] [...]
-v Verbose mode
-a Don't autoconnect outputs to JACK physical outputs
-n Don't automatically start plugin GUIs
<projdir> Project directory to pass to plugin and UI
<cname> Client name to use for ALSA and JACK
<i> Number of instances of each plugin to run (max 16 total, default 1)
<libname> DSSI plugin library .so to load (searched for in $DSSI_PATH)
<label> Label of plugin to load from library
[...] Optionally more instance counts, plugins and labels
Example: jack-dssi-host -2 lib1.so -1 lib2.so:fuzzy
run two instances of the first plugin found in lib1.so, assigned to MIDI
channels 0 and 1 and connected to the first available JACK outputs, and one
instance of the "fuzzy" plugin in lib2.so with MIDI channels 2 and 3 and
connected to the next available JACK outputs.
As a special case, if this program is started with a name other than
jack-dssi-host, and if that name (plus .so suffix) can be found in the DSSI path
as a valid plugin library, and if no further command line arguments are given,
then the first plugin in that library will be loaded automatically.