irpipe --version (return code: 0)
irpipe 0.10.0
irpipe --help (return code: 0)
Write data to irpipe kernel device, applying conversions
and ioctls.
Usage: irpipe [options] <file
irpipe --read [options] >file
irpipe --filter [options] <infile >outfile
-F --features=bitmask Set kernel device features set
-l --length=bits Set kernel device signal length
-d --device=driver Set kernel device, default /dev/irpipe0
-b --bin2text Convert binary data to text
-t --text2bin Convert text data to binary
-r --read Send data from kernel device to stdout
-f --filter Send data from stdin to stdout
-B --bits=bits Convert bits wide LIRCCODE data
-s --add-sync Add long initial sync on converted output
-h --help Display this message
-v --version Display version