instant -V (return code: 1)
instant: invalid option -- '-'
Try 'instant -H' for help.
instant -H (return code: 0)
Instant: SGML document processor/translator, Version 2.0(0)-ANS
usage: instant [option ...] [file]
-t file Print translated output using translation spec in <file>
-s file <file> contains a list of SDATA entity mappings
-c file <file> contains a list of character mappings
-v Validate using translation spec specified with -t
-i id Consider only subtree starting at element with ID <id>
-b Interactive browser
-S Print statistics (how often elements occur, etc.)
-u Print element usage summary (# of children, depth, etc.)
-x Print context of each element
-h Print document hierarchy as a tree
-o file Write output to <file>. Default is standard output.
-l dir Set library directory to <dir>. (or env. variable TPT_LIB)
-I List all IDs used in the instance
-W Do not print warning messages
-H Print this help message
-Dvar=val Set variable 'var' to value 'val'
file Take input from named file. If not specified, assume stdin.
File should be output from the 'sgmls' program (ESIS).