indi_getprop -V (return code: 2)
looking for *.*.*
connect: Connection refused
indi_getprop -HELP (return code: 2)
-h requires host name
Purpose: retrieve readable properties from an INDI server
$Revision: 1.11 $
Usage: indi_getprop [options] [ ...]
Any component may be "*" to match all (beware shell metacharacters).
Reports all properties if none specified.
BLOBs are saved in file named
In perl try: %props = split (/[=\n]/, `getINDI`);
Set element to one of following to return property attribute:
_LABEL to report label
_GROUP to report group
_STATE to report state
_PERM to report perm
_TO to report timeout
_TS to report timestamp
Output format: output is fully qualified name=value one per line
or just value if -1 and exactly one query without wildcards.
-1 : print just value if expecting exactly one response
-d f : use file descriptor f already open to server
-h h : alternate host, default is localhost
-m : keep monitoring for more updates
-p p : alternate port, default is 7624
-t t : max time to wait, default is 2 secs
-v : verbose (cumulative)
-w : show write-only properties too
Exit status:
0: found at least one match for each query
1: at least one query returned nothing
2: real trouble, try repeating with -v