imagej -V (return code: 1)
Display variable not set
If ImageJ fails to load, try
% setenv DISPLAY yourcomputer:0
if you use the "csh" or for "bash" try
% export DISPLAY=yourcomputer:0
/usr/bin/imagej: illegal option -- -
Image display and analysis program. Opens formats including:
UNC, Analyze, Dicom, NIFTI, Tiff, Jpeg, Gif, PNG ...
imagej [options] image [ image2 ... image3 ]
-h print help and more options
-o open images in an open ImageJ panel
-p <N> open images in ImageJ panel number <N>
-x <MB> set available memory (default=2666 max=4000)
imagej -h (return code: 0)
Display variable not set
If ImageJ fails to load, try
% setenv DISPLAY yourcomputer:0
if you use the "csh" or for "bash" try
% export DISPLAY=yourcomputer:0
Image display and analysis program. Opens formats including:
UNC, Analyze, Dicom, NIFTI, Tiff, Jpeg, Gif, PNG ...
imagej [options] image [ image2 ... image3 ] -> open images
basic options:
-h print help and more options
-o open images in existing ImageJ panel if one exists
-p <N> open images in existing ImageJ panel number <N>
-x <MB> set available memory (default=2666 max=4000)
advanced options:
-c enable plugin compilation within imagej
-d use development version
-v be verbose (vv or vvv increases verbosity)
options for batch processing:
-e 'Macro Code' execute macro code
-r 'Menu Command' run menu command
Quotation marks '' are required around commands including spaces
Commands can be sent to open ImageJ panels with the -p option
options for macros:
imagej [-i image] [-b|-m] [arg1 ... argN]
-b macro run macro without graphics window
-m macro run macro
"image" will be opened before macro is run
all following arguments are passed to macro
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