ilur --version (return code: 0)
*** Beware, manually generated help (=> may not be 100% up-to-date :-) ***
Tip: If you miss something, examine the source code
Next tip: You can't stack the short options. Sorry.
Run ilur with this arguments:
-h, -? | --help: This help message
-v | --verbose: Verbose run
-l | --load_from <filename, like subject.png>: The filename of an image that will be loaded and played with
-s | --save-to <filename, like result.jpg>: The filename of the result
-a | --apply <C-styled function call, like iluBlurAvg(6)>: The operation to run. Beware of the braces, they annoy most shells, so you need to either enclose the parameter in quotation marks (recommended), or escape them (not recommended since it is clumsy)
Functions will be applied in order you have specified them, that is from left to right.
Functions we know of: iluAlienify, iluBlurAvg, iluBlurGaussian, iluBuildMipmaps, iluCompareImage, iluContrast, iluCrop, iluEdgeDetectE, iluEdgeDetectP, iluEdgeDetectS, iluEmboss, iluEnlargeCanvas, iluEnlargeImage, iluEqualize, iluConvolution, iluFlipImage, iluGammaCorrect, iluInvertAlpha, iluMirror, iluNegative, iluNoisify, iluPixelize, iluReplaceColour, iluRotate, iluRotate3D, iluSaturate1f, iluSaturate4f, iluScale, iluScaleAlpha, iluScaleColours, iluSetLanguage, iluSharpen, iluSwapColours, iluWave.
Example call:
ilur -l source_image.png -s result_image.jpg -a 'iluAlienify()' -a 'iluContrast(0.8)'
ilur --help (return code: 0)
*** Beware, manually generated help (=> may not be 100% up-to-date :-) ***
Tip: If you miss something, examine the source code
Next tip: You can't stack the short options. Sorry.
Run ilur with this arguments:
-h, -? | --help: This help message
-v | --verbose: Verbose run
-l | --load_from <filename, like subject.png>: The filename of an image that will be loaded and played with
-s | --save-to <filename, like result.jpg>: The filename of the result
-a | --apply <C-styled function call, like iluBlurAvg(6)>: The operation to run. Beware of the braces, they annoy most shells, so you need to either enclose the parameter in quotation marks (recommended), or escape them (not recommended since it is clumsy)
Functions will be applied in order you have specified them, that is from left to right.
Functions we know of: iluAlienify, iluBlurAvg, iluBlurGaussian, iluBuildMipmaps, iluCompareImage, iluContrast, iluCrop, iluEdgeDetectE, iluEdgeDetectP, iluEdgeDetectS, iluEmboss, iluEnlargeCanvas, iluEnlargeImage, iluEqualize, iluConvolution, iluFlipImage, iluGammaCorrect, iluInvertAlpha, iluMirror, iluNegative, iluNoisify, iluPixelize, iluReplaceColour, iluRotate, iluRotate3D, iluSaturate1f, iluSaturate4f, iluScale, iluScaleAlpha, iluScaleColours, iluSetLanguage, iluSharpen, iluSwapColours, iluWave.
Example call:
ilur -l source_image.png -s result_image.jpg -a 'iluAlienify()' -a 'iluContrast(0.8)'