ideviceprovision --version (return code: 0)
Usage: ideviceprovision [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Manage provisioning profiles on a device.
Where COMMAND is one of:
install FILE Installs the provisioning profile specified by FILE.
A valid .mobileprovision file is expected.
list Get a list of all provisioning profiles on the device.
copy PATH Retrieves all provisioning profiles from the device and
stores them into the existing directory specified by PATH.
The files will be stored as UUID.mobileprovision
remove UUID Removes the provisioning profile identified by UUID.
dump FILE Prints detailed information about the provisioning profile
specified by FILE.
The following OPTIONS are accepted:
-d, --debug enable communication debugging
-u, --udid UDID target specific device by its 40-digit device UDID
-x, --xml print XML output when using the 'dump' command
-h, --help prints usage information
Homepage: <>
ideviceprovision --help (return code: 0)
Usage: ideviceprovision [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Manage provisioning profiles on a device.
Where COMMAND is one of:
install FILE Installs the provisioning profile specified by FILE.
A valid .mobileprovision file is expected.
list Get a list of all provisioning profiles on the device.
copy PATH Retrieves all provisioning profiles from the device and
stores them into the existing directory specified by PATH.
The files will be stored as UUID.mobileprovision
remove UUID Removes the provisioning profile identified by UUID.
dump FILE Prints detailed information about the provisioning profile
specified by FILE.
The following OPTIONS are accepted:
-d, --debug enable communication debugging
-u, --udid UDID target specific device by its 40-digit device UDID
-x, --xml print XML output when using the 'dump' command
-h, --help prints usage information
Homepage: <>