httpserv -V (return code: 5)
Unrecognized or bad option specified.
Run 'httpserv -h' for usage information.
httpserv -h (return code: 0)
Usage: httpserv -p port [-Dbv]
[-t threads] [-i pid_file]
[-A nickname -C crl-filename]... [-O method]
[-d dbdir] [-f password_file] [-w password] [-P dbprefix]
-D means disable Nagle delays in TCP
-b means try binding to the port and exit
-v means verbose output
-t threads -- specify the number of threads to use for connections.
-i pid_file file to write the process id of httpserv
Parameters -A, -C and -O are used to provide an OCSP server at /ocsp?
-A a nickname of a CA certificate
-C a CRL filename corresponding to the preceding CA nickname
-O allowed HTTP methods for OCSP requests: get, post, all, random, get-unknown
random means: randomly fail if request method is GET, POST always works
get-unknown means: status unknown for GET, correct status for POST
Multiple pairs of parameters -A and -C are allowed.
If status for a cert from an unknown CA is requested, the cert from the
first -A parameter will be used to sign the unknown status response.
NSS database parameters are used only if OCSP parameters are used.