hfind -VERSION (return code: 0)
The Sleuth Kit ver 4.4.2
hfind --help (return code: 1)
hfind: invalid option -- '-'
usage: hfind [-eqVa] [-c] [-f lookup_file] [-i db_type] db_file [hashes]
-e: Extended mode - where values other than just the name are printed
-q: Quick mode - where a 1 is printed if it is found, else 0
-V: Print version to STDOUT
-c db_name: Create new database with the given name.
-a: Add given hashes to the database.
-f lookup_file: File with one hash per line to lookup
-i db_type: Create index file for a given hash database type
db_file: The path of the hash database, must have .kdb extension for -c option
[hashes]: hashes to lookup (STDIN is used otherwise)
Supported index types: nsrl-md5, nsrl-sha1, md5sum, encase, hk