hardinfo --version (return code: 0)
HardInfo version 0.6-alpha
Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Leandro A. F. Pereira. See COPYING for details.
Compile-time options:
Release version: Yes (ARCH_x86)
BinReloc enabled: Yes
Data prefix: /usr/share/hardinfo
Library prefix: /usr/lib/hardinfo
Compiled for: linux-ARCH_x86
File Name Name Version
computer.so Computer 0.6-alpha
devices.so Devices 0.6-alpha
network.so Network 0.6-alpha
benchmark.so Benchmarks 0.6-alpha
hardinfo --help (return code: 0)
hardinfo [OPTION?] - System Profiler and Benchmark tool
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
Application Options:
-r, --generate-report creates a report and prints to standard output
-f, --report-format chooses a report format (text, html)
-b, --run-benchmark run benchmark; requires benchmark.so to be loaded
-l, --list-modules lists modules
-m, --load-module specify module to load
-a, --autoload-deps automatically load module dependencies
-v, --version shows program version and quit