guitarix -V (return code: 1)
Cannot open display:
use "guitarix -h" to get a help text
fatal system error: Guitarix Commandline Option Error *** Cannot open display:
use "guitarix -h" to get a help text
guitarix --help (return code: 0)
guitarix [OPTION?]
All parameters are optional. Examples:
guitarix -r gx4-black -i system:capture_3
guitarix -c -o system:playback_1 -o system:playback_2
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
--help-all Show all help options
--help-style GTK style configuration options
--help-jack JACK configuration options
--help-overload Switch to bypass mode on overload condition
--help-file File options
--help-debug Debug options
--help-gtk Show GTK+ Options
Application Options:
-v, --version Print version string and exit
-N, --nogui start without GUI
-p, --rpcport=PORT start a JSON-RPC server listening on port PORT
-H, --rpchost=HOSTNAME set hostname to connect to
-G, --onlygui start only GUI
-L, --liveplaygui start with Live Play GUI
-M, --mute start with engine muted
-b, --bank=BANK:PRESET (A:0-Z:9) set bank and preset to load at startup
-t, --tuner_tet=tuner temperament (12, 19, 24, 31, 53) set tuner temperament at startup
-F, --reference_pitch=tuner reference pitch (225 - 453) set tuner reference pitch at startup
--display=DISPLAY X display to use