gsmsiectl --version (return code: 0)
gsmsiectl: version 1.10 [compiled Aug 15 2015]
gsmsiectl --help (return code: 0)
gsmsiectl: [-b baudrate][-d device][-h][-I init string][-o operation]
-b, --baudrate baudrate to use for device (default: 38400)
-d, --device sets the destination device to connect to
-h, --help prints this message
-I, --init device AT init sequence
-o, --operation operation to perform on the mobile
phone with the specified parameters
-v, --version prints version and exits
-X, --xonxoff switch on software handshake
parameters parameters to use for the operation
(if an operation is given) or
a specification which kind of
information to read from the mobile phone
Refer to gsmctl(1) for details on the available parameters and operations.