gource -V (return code: 1)
gource: 'version' does not appear to be a valid file or directory
Try 'gource --help' for more information.
gource --help (return code: 0)
Gource v0.47
Usage: gource [OPTIONS] [PATH]
-h, --help Help
-WIDTHxHEIGHT, --viewport Set viewport size
-f, --fullscreen Fullscreen
--screen SCREEN Screen number
--multi-sampling Enable multi-sampling
--no-vsync Disable vsync
--window-position XxY Initial window position
--frameless Frameless window
--start-date 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss +tz' Start at a date and optional time
--stop-date 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss +tz' Stop at a date and optional time
-p, --start-position POSITION Start at some position (0.0-1.0 or 'random')
--stop-position POSITION Stop at some position
-t, --stop-at-time SECONDS Stop after a specified number of seconds
--stop-at-end Stop at end of the log
--dont-stop Keep running after the end of the log
--loop Loop at the end of the log
-a, --auto-skip-seconds SECONDS Auto skip to next entry if nothing happens
for a number of seconds (default: 3)
--disable-auto-skip Disable auto skip
-s, --seconds-per-day SECONDS Speed in seconds per day (default: 10)
--realtime Realtime playback speed
-c, --time-scale SCALE Change simulation time scale (default: 1.0)
-e, --elasticity FLOAT Elasticity of nodes (default: 0.0)
--key Show file extension key
--user-image-dir DIRECTORY Dir containing images to use as avatars
--default-user-image IMAGE Default user image file
--colour-images Colourize user images
-i, --file-idle-time SECONDS Time files remain idle (default: 0)
--max-files NUMBER Max number of files or 0 for no limit
--max-file-lag SECONDS Max time files of a commit can take to appear
--log-command VCS Show the VCS log command (git,svn,hg,bzr,cvs2cl)
--log-format VCS Specify the log format (git,svn,hg,bzr,cvs2cl,custom)
--load-config CONF_FILE Load a config file
--save-config CONF_FILE Save a config file with the current options
-o, --output-ppm-stream FILE Output PPM stream to a file ('-' for STDOUT)
-r, --output-framerate FPS Framerate of output (25,30,60)
PATH may be a supported version control directory, a log file, a gource config
file, or '-' to read STDIN. If omitted, gource will attempt to generate a log
from the current directory.
To see the full command line options use '-H'