glyrc --version (return code: 0)
Version 1.0.8 (Raving Raven) of [May 22 2016] compiled at [16:15:31]
libglyr is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3.
Please refer to the COPYING file you received with glyr.
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at - Thank you!
glyrc --help (return code: 1)
Usage: glyrc [GETTER] (options)
where [GETTER] must be one of:
- cover
- lyrics
- artistphoto
- artistbio
- similarartists
- similarsongs
- albumreview
- albumlist
- tags
- relations
- tracklist
- guitartabs
- backdrops
-f --from String: Providers from where to get metadata. Refer to glyrc --list for a full list
-n --number Integer: Download max. <n> items. Amount of actual downloaded items may be less.
-l --lang String: Language settings. Used by a few getters to deliever localized data. Given in ISO 639-1 codes like 'de'
-o --only-lang Only use providers that offer language specific data, this only applies for text items.
-z --fuzzyness Integer: Set threshold for level of Levenshtein algorithm.
-q --qsratio Float: How to weight quality/speed; 1.0 = full quality, 0.0 = full speed.
-x --plugmax Integer. Maximum number od download a plugin may deliever. Use to make results more vary.
-v --verbosity Integer. Set verbosity from 0 to 4. See online-README for details.
-w --write Path: Write metadata to the dir <d>, or filename <d>, special values stdout, stderr and null are supported
Certain escapes are escaped inside the filename in the form :X:, where X may be one of:
* type : The getter used in this query (e.g. cover)
* artist : Artist - as passed by -a
* album : Album - as passed by -b
* title : Title - as passed by -t
* size : Size in bytes
* format : The image format or 'txt' for textitems
* source : The source URL of this item
* prov : The Provider of this item
* cksum : a md5sum of the data
* rating : (Usually 0)
* duration : (Only for tracks) Duration in seconds
* number : An index incremented with each item (starting with 1)
The default format is ':artist:_:album:_:title:_:type:_:number:.:format:'
Strings containing '/' are replaced with '|' automatically,
so --write ':artist:' for AC/DC will result in AC|DC
-p --parallel Integer: Define the number of downloads that may be performed in parallel.
-u --useragent String: The useragent to use during HTTP requests
-r --redirects Integer. Define the number of redirects that are allowed.
-m --timeout Integer. Define the maximum number in seconds after which a download is cancelled.
-k --proxy String: Set the proxy to use in the form of [protocol://][user:pass@]yourproxy.domain[:port]
-d --download Download Images.
-D --no-download Don't download images, but return the URLs to them (act like a search engine)
-a --artist String: Artist name to search for
-b --album String: Album name to search for
-t --title String: Songname to search for
-e --maxsize Integer: (images only) The maximum size a cover may have.
-i --minsize Integer: (images only) The minimum size a cover may have.
-F --formats String: A semicolon separated list of imageformats that are allowed. e.g.: "png;jpeg"
-8 --force-utf8 Forces utf8 encoding for text items, invalid encodings get sorted out
-L --list List all fetchers and source providers for each and exit.
-h --help This text you unlucky wanderer are viewing.
-V --version Print the version string.
-U --update Updates libglyr if new version is available.
-g --as-one (Textitems only) Output all results as one (useful for tracklist and albumlist).
-G --no-as-one Disables --as-one (Default)
-y --color Enables colored output for glyrc (Default)
-Y --no-color Prints no colored output
-s --musictree-path <p> <p> is a path to your music directory. Glyr might fetch things like folger.jpg from there;
-j --callback Command: Set a bash command to be executed when a item is finished downloading;
All escapes mentioned in --write are supported too, and additionally:
* path : The path were the item was written to.
-c --cache <folder> Creates or opens an existing cache at <folder>/metadata.db and lookups data from there.
cache select [Query] Selects data from the cache; you can use any other option behind this.
cache delete [Query] Instead of searching for this element, the element is deleted from the database. Needs --cache.
cache list List all items in the database (including the artist / album / title / type) - Needs --cache.
glyrc cover --artist SomeBand --album SomeAlbum
glyrc lyrics -a A -b B --cache /tmp # Write found items to cache; create it if not existent
glyrc cache list --cache /tmp # List all in the cache
glyrc cache delete cover -a Equilibrium -b Sagas --cache /tmp # Delete artist/album
glyrc cache select lyrics -a Knorkator -t 'A' -n 2 --cache /tmp # Search for two items in cache and print them
The return code will be 0 on success, 1 on any failure. No distinction is made which error happened.
With each item received you get a link to the original source, please refer to the individual terms of use,
copying and distributing of this data might be not allowed.
A more detailed version of this help can be found online:
AUTHOR: (C) Christopher Pahl - 2011, <>
Version 1.0.8 (Raving Raven) of [May 22 2016] compiled at [16:15:31]