getmapdl -v (return code: 0)
getmapdl.lua v1.5 (07/10/2014)
(C) Josef Kleber License: LPPL
getmapdl -h (return code: 0)
getmapdl.lua [options]
downloads an OpenStreetMap, Google Maps or Google Street View map
specified by [options] or parses gpx, gps and kml files to create
encoded polylines
-m specify the mode (osm|gm|gsv|gpx2epl|gps2epl|gpx2gps|kml2epl|kml2gps)
-l specify a location
e.g. 'Bergheimer Straße 110A, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany'
-x specify a xsize (600)
-y specify a ysize (400)
-S short form to specify a size, e.g. 600,400 (osm) or 600x400 (gm)
-s specify a scale factor in the range 1692-221871572 (osm) or
1-2 (gm)
-z specify a zoom in the range 1-18 (osm) or 0-21 (17) (gm)
-t specify map type {map|sathyb} (map) (osm) or
{roadmap|satellite|hybrid|terrain} (roadmap) (gm)
-i specify image type {png|gif|jpg|jpeg} (png) (osm) or
{png|png8|png32|gif|jpg|jpg-baseline} (png) (gm)
-c specify icon color (yelow_1) (osm) or (blue) (gm)
-n specify the icon number (1)
-o specify output basename without file extension (getmap.IMAGETYPE)
-q quiet; no output!
-v prints version information
-h prints help information
gm mode only:
-L specify the language of map labels (xx language code (en,de,fr,...))
-M specify markers; see:
e.g.: &markers=size:mid|color:blue|label:1|address or more of these
location and zoom will be ignored if used!
-C specify center of the map
-V specify a list of visible locations (loc1|loc2)
-P specify path from location to location
e.g.: &path=weight:7|color:purple|loc1|loc2
-p specify a file holding the path specification
(maybe needed for encoded polylines)
gsv mode only:
-H specify heading (view) (0) (0 -- 360) (east: 90, ...)
-T specify the pitch (angle) (0) (-90 -- 90)
-F specify horizontal field of view (90) (0 -- 120)
The field of view is expressed in degrees and a kind of zoom!
gpx2epl, gps2epl and gpx2gps mode only:
-G specify the gpx or gps file
kml2epl and kml2gps mode only:
-K specify the kml file
gps2gps mode only:
-B specify the bound for reducing way points (default: 0.1)
getmapdl.lua v1.5 (07/10/2014)
(C) Josef Kleber License: LPPL