gerbv --version (return code: 0)
gerbv version 2.6.1
Copyright (C) 2001 -- 2008 by Stefan Petersen
and the respective original authors listed in the source files.
gerbv --help (return code: 1)
Usage: gerbv [OPTIONS...] [FILE...]
Available options:
-B, --border=<b> Border around the image in percent of the
width/height. Defaults to 5%.
-D, --dpi=<XxY>or<R> Resolution (Dots per inch) for the output
bitmap. With the format <XxY>, different
resolutions for X- and Y-direction are used.
With the format <R>, both are the same.
-O, --origin=<XxY> Use the specified coordinates (in inches).
for the lower left corner.
-V, --version Print version of gerbv.
-a, --antialias Use antialiasing for generated bitmap output.
-b, --background=<hex> Use background color <hex> (like #RRGGBB).
-f, --foreground=<hex> Use foreground color <hex> (like #RRGGBB or
#RRGGBBAA for setting the alpha).
Use multiple -f flags to set the color for
multiple layers.
-r, --rotate=<degree> Set initial orientation for all layers.
-m, --mirror=<axis> Set initial mirroring axis (X or Y).
-h, --help Print this help message.
-l, --log=<logfile> Send error messages to <logfile>.
-o, --output=<filename> Export to <filename>.
-p, --project=<prjfile> Load project file <prjfile>.
-W, --window_inch=<WxH> Window size in inches <WxH> for the
exported image.
-w, --window=<WxH> Window size in pixels <WxH> for the
exported image. Autoscales to fit
if no resolution is specified. If a
resolution is specified, it will clip.
-t, --tools=<toolfile> Read Excellon tools from file <toolfile>.
-T, --translate=<X,Y> Translate the image by <X,Y> (useful for
arranging panels). Use multiple -T flags
for multiple layers.
-x, --export=<png/pdf/ps/svg/ Export a rendered picture to a file with
rs274x/drill> the specified format.