geomview --version (return code: 0)
geomview -HELP (return code: 1)
Script options:
-dbx|edge|gdb|xdb|ddd Setup the environment and start the specfified debugger
-h|--help Print this help
--print-geomview-data-dir Print the location of the main data directory
--print-geomview-emodule-dir Print the system emodule path
--print-geomview-load-path Print the data load-path
--print-geomview-emodule-path Print the emodule search-path
--print-geomview-system-initfile Print the path to the system-wide init file
--print-geomview-gvx Print the path to the gvx executable
--print-geomview-lib Print the path to the geomview library
--print-geomview-include Print the path to the geomview include directory
Options understood by the Geomview binary:
Error: Can't open display: