geogebra --help (return code: 0)
Usage: geogebra [Java-options] [GeoGebra-options] [FILE]
GeoGebra - Dynamic mathematics software
Java options:
-Xms<size> Set initial Java heap size, default 32m
-Xmx<size> Set maximum Java heap size, default 512m
-Djava.library.path=<path> Set native library path
GeoGebra options:
--help Print this help message
--v Print version
--language=<iso_code> Set language using locale code, e.g. en, de_AT
--showAlgebraInput=<boolean> Show/hide algebra input field
--showAlgebraInputTop=<boolean> Show algebra input field at top/bottom
--showAlgebraWindow=<boolean> Show/hide algebra window
--showSpreadsheet=<boolean> Show/hide spreadsheet
--showCAS=<boolean> Show/hide CAS window
--showSplash=<boolean> Enable/disable the splash screen
--enableUndo=<boolean> Enable/disable Undo
--fontSize=<number> Set default font size
--showAxes=<boolean> Show/hide coordinate axes
--showGrid=<boolean> Show/hide grid
--settingsfile=[<path>|<filename>] Load/save settings from/in a local file
--resetSettings Reset current settings
--antiAliasing=<boolean> Turn anti-aliasing on/off
--regressionFile=<filename> Export textual representations of dependent objects, then exit