genrb --version (return code: 0)
genrb version 3.3 (ICU version 55.1).
Copyright (C) 2015, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
genrb --help (return code: 1)
Usage: genrb [OPTIONS] [FILES]
Reads the list of resource bundle source files and creates
binary version of resource bundles (.res files)
-h or -? or --help this usage text
-q or --quiet do not display warnings
-v or --verbose print extra information when processing files
-V or --version prints out version number and exits
-c or --copyright include copyright notice
-e or --encoding encoding of source files
-d of --destdir destination directory, followed by the path, defaults to
-s or --sourcedir source directory for files followed by path, defaults to
-i or --icudatadir directory for locating any needed intermediate data files,
followed by path, defaults to
-j or --write-java write a Java ListResourceBundle for ICU4J, followed by optional encoding
defaults to ASCII and \uXXXX format.
--java-package For --write-java: package name for writing the ListResourceBundle,
defaults to
-b or --bundle-name For --write-java: root resource bundle name for writing the ListResourceBundle,
defaults to LocaleElements
-x or --write-xliff write an XLIFF file for the resource bundle. Followed by
an optional output file name.
-k or --strict use pedantic parsing of syntax
-l or --language for XLIFF: language code compliant with BCP 47.
-C or --noBinaryCollation do not generate binary collation image;
makes .res file smaller but collator instantiation much slower;
maintains ability to get tailoring rules
-R or --omitCollationRules do not include collation (tailoring) rules;
makes .res file smaller and maintains collator instantiation speed
but tailoring rules will not be available (they are rarely used)
--formatVersion write a .res file compatible with the requested formatVersion (single digit);
for example, --formatVersion 1
--writePoolBundle write a pool.res file with all of the keys of all input bundles
--usePoolBundle [path-to-pool.res] point to keys from the pool.res keys pool bundle if they are available there;
makes .res files smaller but dependent on the pool bundle
(--writePoolBundle and --usePoolBundle cannot be combined)