gdalserver --version (return code: 0)
GDAL 2.2.1, released 2017/06/23
gdalserver --help (return code: 1)
Usage: gdalserver [--help-general] [--help] [-v]
[-tcpserver port | -unixserver filename | -stdinout |
[-pipe_in fdin,fdtoclose -pipe_out fdout,fdtoclose]]
-tcpserver : Launch a TCP server on the specified port that can accept.
connections from GDAL clients.
-stdinout : This mode is not meant at being directly used by a user.
It is a helper utility for the client/server working of GDAL.
-pipe_in/out:This mode is not meant at being directly used by a user.
It is a helper utility for the client/server working of GDAL.
-nofork :This mode enables sharing of datasets among several clients,
for example in concurrent write scenarios. But in that mode,
only one thread is used, reducing scalability and client isolation.