gbsplay -VERSION (return code: 0)
gbsplay 0.0.93
gbsplay --help (return code: 1)
gbsplay: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: gbsplay [option(s)] <gbs-file> [start_at_subsong [stop_at_subsong] ]
Available options are:
-E endian, b == big, l == little, n == native (native)
-f set fadeout (3 seconds)
-g set subsong gap (2 seconds)
-h display this help and exit
-l loop mode
-o select output plugin (pulse)
'list' shows available plugins
-q reduce verbosity
-r set samplerate (44100Hz)
-R set refresh delay (33 milliseconds)
-t set subsong timeout (120 seconds)
-T set silence timeout (2 seconds)
-v increase verbosity
-V print version and exit
-z play subsongs in shuffle mode
-Z play subsongs in random mode (repetitions possible)
-1 to -4 mute a channel on startup