foo2hiperc -VERSION (return code: 0)
$Id: foo2hiperc.c,v 1.35 2013/12/01 20:13:58 rick Exp $
foo2hiperc --help (return code: 1)
foo2hiperc: invalid option -- '-'
foo2hiperc [options] <pbmraw-file >hiperc-file
Convert Ghostscript pbmraw format to a monochrome HIPERC stream,
for driving the Oki C310, C3100 to C5800 color laser printers.
-sPAPERSIZE=letter -r600x600 -sDEVICE=pbmraw \
-sOutputFile=- - < \
| foo2hiperc -r600x600 -g5100x6600 -p1 >
foo2hiperc [options] <bitcmyk-file >hiperc-file
foo2hiperc [options] <pksmraw-file >hiperc-file
Convert Ghostscript bitcmyk or pksmraw format to a color HIPERC stream,
for driving the Oki C310, C3100 to C5800 color laser printers
N.B. Color correction is expected to be performed by ghostscript.
-sPAPERSIZE=letter -g5100x6600 -r600x600 -sDEVICE=bitcmyk \
-sOutputFile=- - < \
| foo2hiperc -r600x600 -g5100x6600 -p1 >testpage.zc
Normal Options:
-c Force color mode if autodetect doesn't work
-d duplex Duplex code to send to printer [1]
1=off, 2=longedge, 3=shortedge
-g <xpix>x<ypix> Set page dimensions in pixels [5100x6600]
-m media Media code to send to printer [0]
0=plain 1=labels 2=transparency
-p paper Paper code to send to printer [2]
1=A4, 2=letter, 3=legal, 5=A5, 6=B5, 7=A6, 8=envMonarch,
9=envDL, 10=envC5, 11=env#10, 12=executive, 13=env#9,
14=legal135, 15=A3, 16=tabloid/ledger
-n copies Number of copies [1]
-r <xres>x<yres> Set device resolution in pixels/inch [600x600]
-s source Source code to send to printer [0]
0=auto 1=tray1 2=tray2 3=multi 4=manual
Code numbers may vary with printer model
-t Draft mode. Every other pixel is white.
-J filename Filename string to send to printer []
-U username Username string to send to printer []
Printer Tweaking Options:
-u <xoff>x<yoff> Set offset of upper left printable in pixels [0x0]
-l <xoff>x<yoff> Set offset of lower right printable in pixels [0x0]
-L mask Send logical clipping values from -u/-l in ZjStream [3]
0=no, 1=Y, 2=X, 3=XY
-A AllIsBlack: convert C=1,M=1,Y=1 to just K=1
-B BlackClears: K=1 forces C,M,Y to 0
-A, -B work with bitcmyk input only
-P Do not output START_PLANE codes. May be needed by some
some black and white only printers.
-X padlen Add extra zero padding to the end of BID segments [16]
-Z compressed Use uncompressed (0) or compressed (1) data [0]
Debugging Options:
-S plane Output just a single color plane from a color print [all]
1=Cyan, 2=Magenta, 3=Yellow, 4=Black
-D lvl Set Debug level [0]
-V Version $Id: foo2hiperc.c,v 1.35 2013/12/01 20:13:58 rick Exp $