flpsed -V (return code: 1)
flpsed: invalid option -- '-'
flpsed: invalid option -- 'v'
flpsed: invalid option -- 'e'
flpsed: invalid option -- 'r'
usage: flpsed [-hbdz] [-t <tag>=<value>] [<infile>] [<outfile>]
-h print this message
-b batch mode (no gui)
-d dump tags and values from a document
to stdout (this implies -b)
-z <zoom> set the zoom percentage (e.g. 200)
-t <tag>=<value> set text to <value> where tag is <tag>
<infile> optional input file; in batch mode if no
input file is given, input is read from stdin
<outfile> optional output file for batch mode; if no
output file is given, output is written to stdout
additionally flpsed supports the following FLTK standard options:
-geometry WxH+X+Y
-scheme string
flpsed --help (return code: 0)
flpsed: invalid option -- '-'
usage: flpsed [-hbdz] [-t <tag>=<value>] [<infile>] [<outfile>]
-h print this message
-b batch mode (no gui)
-d dump tags and values from a document
to stdout (this implies -b)
-z <zoom> set the zoom percentage (e.g. 200)
-t <tag>=<value> set text to <value> where tag is <tag>
<infile> optional input file; in batch mode if no
input file is given, input is read from stdin
<outfile> optional output file for batch mode; if no
output file is given, output is written to stdout
additionally flpsed supports the following FLTK standard options:
-geometry WxH+X+Y
-scheme string