fldigi --version (return code: 0)
fldigi 4.0.1
Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Dave Freese, Stelios Bounanos, and others.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
fldigi --help (return code: 0)
fldigi [option...]
fldigi options:
--home-dir DIRECTORY
Set the home directory to full pathname of DIRECTORY
fldigi will put the file stores
.fldigi.files, and .nbems.files
in this directory
The default is: /root/
--config-dir DIRECTORY
Look for configuration files in DIRECTORY
The default is: /root/.fldigi/
--rx-ipc-key KEY
Set the receive message queue key
May be given in hex if prefixed with "0x"
The default is: 9876 or 0x2694
--tx-ipc-key KEY
Set the transmit message queue key
May be given in hex if prefixed with "0x"
The default is: 6789 or 0x1a85
--enable-io-port <1|2> ARQ=1 KISS=2
Select the active IO Port
The default is: 1
--kiss-server-address HOSTNAME
Set the KISS TCP/UDP server address
The default is:
--kiss-server-port-io I/O PORT
Set the KISS TCP/UDP server I/O port
The default is: 7342
--kiss-server-port-o Output PORT
Set the KISS UDP server output port
The default is: 7343
--kiss-server-dual-port Dual Port Use (0=disable / 1=enable)
Set the KISS UDP server dual port flag
The default is: 0
--arq-server-address HOSTNAME
Set the ARQ TCP server address
The default is:
--arq-server-port PORT
Set the ARQ TCP server port
The default is: 7322
--flmsg-dir DIRECTORY
Look for flmsg files in DIRECTORY
The default is
--auto-dir DIRECTORY
Look for auto-send files in DIRECTORY
The default is /autosend
--xmlrpc-server-address HOSTNAME
Set the XML-RPC server address
The default is:
--xmlrpc-server-port PORT
Set the XML-RPC server port
The default is: 7362
--xmlrpc-allow REGEX
Allow only the methods whose names match REGEX
--xmlrpc-deny REGEX
Allow only the methods whose names don't match REGEX
List all available methods
Perform the CPU speed test, show results in the event log
and possibly change options.
Unhide controls for noise tests
Hide all controls but the waterfall
--debug-level LEVEL
Set the event log verbosity
Enable logging for pskmail / arq events
Enable logging for sound-card events
Print version information
Print build information
Print this option help
Standard FLTK options:
-bg COLOR, -background COLOR
Set the background color
-bg2 COLOR, -background2 COLOR
Set the secondary (text) background color
-di DISPLAY, -display DISPLAY
Set the X display to use DISPLAY,
format is ``host:n.n''
-dn, -dnd or -nodn, -nodnd
Enable or disable drag and drop copy and paste in text fields
-fg COLOR, -foreground COLOR
Set the foreground color
Set the initial window size and position
GEOMETRY format is ``WxH+X+Y''
** fldigi may override this setting **
-i, -iconic
Start fldigi in iconified state
-k, -kbd or -nok, -nokbd
Enable or disable visible keyboard focus in non-text widgets
Set the window class to CLASSNAME
Set the window title
Additional UI options:
--font FONT[:SIZE]
Set the widget font and (optionally) size
The default is: sans:12