flatpak-builder --version (return code: 0)
Flatpak 0.8.7
flatpak-builder --help (return code: 0)
flatpak-builder [OPTION?] DIRECTORY MANIFEST - Build manifest
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
Application Options:
-v, --verbose Print debug information during command processing
--version Print version information and exit
--arch=ARCH Architecture to build for (must be host compatible)
--run Run a command in the build directory (see --run --help)
--ccache Use ccache
--disable-cache Disable cache lookups
--disable-download Don't download any new sources
--disable-updates Only download missing sources, never update to latest vcs version
--download-only Only download sources, don't build
--build-only Stop after build, don't run clean and finish phases
--finish-only Only run clean and finish and export phases
--allow-missing-runtimes Don't fail if runtime and sdk missing
--show-deps List the dependencies of the json file (see --show-deps --help)
--require-changes Don't create app dir or export if no changes
--keep-build-dirs Don't remove build directories after install
--repo=DIR Repo to export into
-s, --subject=SUBJECT One line subject (passed to build-export)
-b, --body=BODY Full description (passed to build-export)
--gpg-sign=KEY-ID GPG Key ID to sign the commit with
--gpg-homedir=HOMEDIR GPG Homedir to use when looking for keyrings
--force-clean Erase previous contents of DIRECTORY
--sandbox Enforce sandboxing, disabling build-args
--stop-at=MODULENAME Stop building at this module (implies --build-only)
--jobs=JOBS Number of parallel jobs to build (default=NCPU)