fig2dev -VERSION (return code: 0)
fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 5e
fig2dev -h (return code: 0)
fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 5e
General Options (all drivers):
-L language choose output language (this must be first)
Available languages are:
box cgm eepic eepicemu emf epic eps gbx ge
gif ibmgl dxf jpeg latex map mf mmp mp
pcx pdf pdftex pdftex_t pdftex_p pic pictex png ppm
ps pstex pstex_t pstex_p pstricks ptk shape sld svg
textyl tiff tk tpic xbm xpm
-h print this message, fig2dev version number and exit
-V print fig2dev version number and exit
-D +/-list include or exclude depths listed
-K adjust bounding box according to selected depths
given with '-D +/-list' option.
-f font set default font
-G minor[:major][unit] draw light gray grid with thin/thick lines at minor/major units.
(e.g. -G .25:1cm draws thin line every .25 cm and thick every 1 cm
Only available for PostScript, EPS, PDF, and bitmap (GIF, JPEG, etc)
drivers for now.
-j enable i18n facility
-m mag set magnification. This may not be used with the -Z (maxdim) option.
-s size set default font size in points
-Z maxdim Scale the figure so that the maximum dimension (width or height) is
maxdim inches/cm. This may not be used with the magnification option (-m).
Vector formats:
CGM Options:
-b dummyarg generate binary output (dummy argument required after "-b")
-r position arrowheads for CGM viewers that display rounded arrowheads
EPIC Options:
-A scale scale arrowheads by dividing their size by scale
-E num set encoding for text translation (0 no translation,
1 ISO-8859-1, 2 ISO-8859-2)
-F don't set font family/series/shape, so you can set it from latex
-l lwidth use "thicklines" when width of line is > lwidth
-P generate a complete LaTeX file
-R dummyarg allow rotated text (uses \rotatebox) (requires compilation with NFSS)
-S scale scale figure
-t strch set the stretch of dashed lines (default = 30)
-v include comments in the output
-W enable variable line width
-w disable variable line width
EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) Options:
-A add ASCII (EPSI) preview
-B "Wx [Wy X0 Y0]" force width, height and origin in absolute coordinates
-b width specify width of blank border around figure (1/72 inch)
-C dummyarg add color TIFF preview (for Microsoft apps)
-F use correct font sizes (points instead of 1/80inch)
-g color background color
-N convert all colors to grayscale
-n name set title part of PostScript output to name
-R "Wx [Wy X0 Y0]" force width, height and origin in relative coordinates
(relative to lower-left of figure bounds)
-T add monochrome TIFF preview (for Microsoft apps)
GBX (Gerber, RS-247-X) Options:
-d [mm|in] Output dimensions assumed to be millimeters or inches.
-p [pos|neg] Image Polarity - positive results in lines being drawn.
Negative results in lines erasing background
-g <x scale>x<y scale>+<x offset>+<y offset>
This controls the geometry of the output, scaling the dimensions as
shown and applying the given offset. Typically you will wish to set
the y scale to -1, mirroring about the x axis. This is because Gerber
assumes the origin to be bottom left, while xfig selects top left.
-f <n digits>.<n digits>
This controls the number of digits of precision before and after the
implied decimal point. With -f 5.3 the following number 12345678
corresponds to 12345.678. Whereas with -f 3.5 it corresponds to
123.45678. The default is for 3 places before the decimal point and 5
after. This corresponds, to a range of 0 to 1m in 10 micron increments.
-i [on|off] Controls the output of comments describing the type of objects being
output. The text appears as comments starting with ## on each line in
the output file. By default this is on.
IBM-GL Options:
-a select ISO A4 paper size if default is ANSI A, or vice versa
-c generate instructions for IBM 6180 plotter
-d xll,yll,xur,yur restrict plotting to area specified by coords
-f fontfile load text character specs from table in file
-k precede output with PCL command to use HP/GL
-l pattfile load patterns for pattern fill from file
-m mag,x0,y0 magnification with optional offset in inches
-P rotate figure to portrait (default is landscape)
-p pensfile load plotter pen specs from file
-S speed set pen speed in cm/sec
-v print figure upside-down in portrait or backwards in landscape
LaTeX Options:
-d dmag set separate magnification for length of line dashes to dmag
-E num set encoding for text translation (0 no translation,
1 ISO-8859-1, 2 ISO-8859-2)
-l lwidth set threshold between thin and thick lines to lwidth
-v verbose mode
MAP (HTML image map) Options:
-b width specify width of blank border around figure (1/72 inch)
-C code specifies the starting METAFONT font code
-n name name to use in the output file
-p pen_mag linewidth magnification compared to the original figure
-t top specifies the top of the coordinate system
-x xmin specifies minimum x coordinate of figure (inches)
-y ymin specifies minimum y coordinate of figure (inches)
-X xmax specifies maximum x coordinate of figure (inches)
-Y xmax specifies maximum y coordinate of figure (inches)
-i fileincludes file content via \input-command
-I fileadds file content as additional header
-o old mode (no latex)
-p number adds the line "prologues:=number"
PIC Options:
-p ext enables certain PIC extensions (see man pages)
PICTeX Options:
-a don't output user's login name (anonymous)
-E num set encoding for text translation (0 no translation,
1 ISO-8859-1, 2 ISO-8859-2)
PostScript Options:
-a don't output user's login name (anonymous)
-A add ASCII (EPSI) preview
-b width specify width of blank border around figure (1/72 inch)
-C dummyarg add color TIFF preview (for Microsoft apps)
-c center figure on page
-e put figure at left edge of page
-F use correct font sizes (points instead of 1/80inch)
-g color background color
-l dummyarg landscape mode (dummy argument required after "-l")
-M generate multiple pages for large figure
-N convert all colors to grayscale
-n name set title part of PostScript output to name
-O overlap pages in multiple page mode (-M)
-p dummyarg portrait mode (dummy argument required after "-p")
-T add monochrome TIFF preview (for Microsoft apps)
-x offset shift figure left/right by offset units (1/72 inch)
-y offset shift figure up/down by offset units (1/72 inch)
-z papersize set the papersize (see man pages for available sizes)
PDF Options:
-a don't output user's login name (anonymous)
-b width specify width of blank border around figure (1/72 inch)
-F use correct font sizes (points instead of 1/80inch)
-g color background color
PSTricks Options:
-f fontname set default font
-G dummyarg draw pstricks standard grid (sizes ignored)
-l weight set line weight factor 0 to 2.0 (default 0.5 matches PS driver)
-P generate complete {document}; scale to fit one page
-p dir turn on auto picture conversion to EPS; dir is repository
-R 0|1|2 arrow style (default 0-Fig, 1-PST w/Fig sizes, 2-PST default, ignore Fig sizes)
-S scale hard scale factor
-t version set PSTricks version
-v verbose warnings and comments in output file
-x marginsize add margin on left and right (default is tight bounding box)
-y marginsize add margin on over and under (default is tight bounding box)
-z 0|1|2 font handling (default 0-full, 1-size only, 2-none,PST default)
-M generate multiple pages for large figure
-N convert all colors to grayscale
-O overlap pages in multiple page mode (-M)
-S dummyarg generate single page
PSTEX Options:
-b width specify width of blank border around figure (1/72 inch)
-F use correct font sizes (points instead of 1/80inch)
-g color background color
-n name set title part of PostScript output to name
PSTEX_T Options:
-b width specify width of blank border around figure (1/72 inch)
-E num set encoding for text translation (0 no translation,
1 ISO-8859-1, 2 ISO-8859-2)
-F don't set font family/series/shape, so you can
set it from latex
-p name name of the PostScript file to be overlaid
PSTEX_P and PDFTEX_P Options:
-p name basename of the files to be created
-F don't set font family/series/shape, so you can
set it from latex
-d dmag set separate magnification for length of line dashes to dmag
-E num set encoding for text translation (0 no translation,
1 ISO-8859-1, 2 ISO-8859-2)
-l lwidth set threshold between thin and thick lines to lwidth
-v verbose mode
SHAPE (ShapePar driver) Options:
-n name Set basename of the macro (e.g. "face" gives faceshape and facepar)
Tcl/Tk (tk) and Perl/Tk (ptk) Options:
-l dummyarg landscape mode (dummy argument required after "-l")
-p dummyarg portrait mode (dummy argument required after "-p")
-P generate canvas of full page size instead of figure bounds
-z papersize set the papersize (see man pages for available sizes)
Bitmap formats:
Options common to all bitmap formats:
-b width specify width of blank border around figure (pixels)
-F use correct font sizes (points instead of 1/80inch)
-g color background color
-N convert all colors to grayscale
-S smooth specify smoothing factor [1=none, 2=some 4=more]
GIF Options:
-t color specify GIF transparent color in hexadecimal (e.g. #ff0000=red)
JPEG Options:
-q quality specify image quality factor (0-100)