fiascotopnm -V (return code: 2)
fiascotopnm 1.0
fiascotopnm --help (return code: 1)
Usage: fiascotopnm [OPTION]... [FIASCO-FILE]...
Decode FIASCO-FILEs and write frame(s) to disk.
Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are mandatory or optional
for short options too. Default values are surrounded by {}.
-o, --output=FILE Write raw PNM frame(s) to `FILE'.{-}
-d, --double Interpolate images to double size before display.
-r, --fast Use 4:2:0 format for fast, low quality output.
-p, --panel Display control panel.
-m, --magnify=NUM Magnify/reduce image size by a factor of 4^`NUM'.{0}
-F, --framerate=NUM Set display rate to `NUM' frames per second.{-1}
-s, --smoothing=NUM Smooth image(s) by factor `NUM' (0-100){-1}
-v, --version Print program version number, then exit.
-V, --verbose=NUM Set level of verbosity to `NUM'.{1}
-f, --config=FILE Load `FILE' to initialize parameters.
-h, --help Print this help, then exit.
Parameter initialization order:
1.) /etc//system.fiascorc
2.) $HOME/.fiascorc 3.) command line 4.) --config=file
With no FIASCO-FILE, or if FIASCO-FILE is -, read standard input.
FIASCO_DATA Search path for automata files. Default: ./
FIASCO_IMAGES Save path for image files. Default: ./