fetchyahoo --version (return code: 0)
FetchYahoo Version 2.14.7
Homepage: http://fetchyahoo.sourceforge.net
fetchyahoo --HELP (return code: 0)
FetchYahoo Version 2.14.7
Homepage: http://fetchyahoo.sourceforge.net
/usr/bin/fetchyahoo [options]
Retrieves messages from the inbox of a Yahoo user using the web interface
and stores them in the specified local spool/mbox file. Deletes the messages
downloaded unless requested not to.
Options specified on the commandline take precedence over options specified
in the configuration file, which in turn take precedence over options hardcoded
within the fetchyahoo program file.
--version print the version and exit
--help display help showing the program options
--quiet suppress regular (non-error) messages
--noerrors suppress error messages
--debug turn on normal and debugging output
--listmessages list messages in mail folder
--onlylistmessages only list messages in mail folder. This combines
--listmessages, --nodownload and --nodelete
--configfile=config-file use config-file as the configuration file
--username=yahoousername use yahoousername as the login
--password=pass use pass as the password. pass can also be an
md5_hex hashed password.
--spoolfile=spool-file use spool-file as the file to spool messages to
if spool-file ends with / it is treated as a
maildir format directory
--folders=folder1,folder2 download messages from one or more folders instead
--nohttps use an insecure plaintext login instead of HTTPS
--newonly only download new (i.e. unread) messages
--nodelete do not delete messages after downloading them
--nodownload do not download messages
(but still delete them/empty trash if requested)
--safedownload sleep a few seconds between messages. This
disables use of maxmessages and takes much
longer to download messages but should prevent
throttling by Yahoo
--append append messages to spool-file (default)
--overwrite overwrite spool-file (instead of appending)
--pipe pipe messages to a program instead of
a spool-file
--msgidarchivefile=file-name save message IDs to this file and do not download
messages whose IDs have been saved to this file
--archivefolder=folder-name move messages to this Yahoo folder
--sendto=emailaddress1,email2 list of e-mail address to forward e-mails to
--mailhost=smtp.example.com smtp outgoing mail server to use to send mail
--sendfrom=fromaddress e-mail address to use as the from address
--smtpusername=username username for SMTP authentication
--smtppassword=password password for SMTP authentication
--emptytrash empty trash before downloading messages
--emptytrashbefore empty trash before downloading messages
--emptytrashafter empty trash after downloading messages
--emptybulk empty bulk mail folder (always before fetch)
--leaveunread leave messages unread on the server
--repeatinterval=N check for mail every N minutes (daemon mode)
--statusonly only get number of messages
--getexternal retrieve messages from external mailboxes also
--externalmailboxes=boxes,list retrieve messages from only this comma-separated
list of external mailboxes
--maxmessages=N download at most N messages in one run
setting this to over 90 may cause problems
--maxsize=N do not download any msg larger than N kB
setting to 0 will turn off this check
--warninglevel=N warn if the server mailbox is >= N% full
setting to 0 will turn off the warning
--nofromline leave out the leading From_ line
--logout log out of Yahoo! when done
--md5hex print the MD5 hex hash value of a password
entered interactively (can be used instead of
password in configuration files)
--proxyhost=proxy.host.org hostname for proxy [ DEFAULT off ]
--proxyport=N port for proxy [DEFAULT 80 ]
--proxyuser=proxy-user username for proxy authentication[ DEFAULT none]
--proxypass=proxy-pass password for proxy authentication[ DEFAULT none]
--imaphost=imap.host.org hostname of IMAP sever [ DEFAULT off ]
--imapport=N port for IMAP server [DEFAULT 143 ]
--imapuser=imap-user username for IMAP authentication[ DEFAULT none]
--imappass=imap-pass password for IMAP authentication[ DEFAULT none]
--imapmailbox=imap-mailbox IMAP mailbox [ DEFAULT INBOX]
--secureimap use secure IMAP (IMAPS) [ DEFAULT off ]
--noquiet opposite of --quiet [DEFAULT]
--errors opposite of --noerrors [DEFAULT]
--delete opposite of --nodelete [DEFAULT]
--nodebug opposite of --nodebug [DEFAULT]
--nolistmessages opposite of --listmessages [DEFAULT]
--nologout opposite of --logout [DEFAULT]
--noempty do not empty trash or bulk [DEFAULT]
--allmsgs get all msgs (not only new ones) [DEFAULT]
--download opposite of --nodownload [DEFAULT]
--includefromline opposite of --nofromline [ DEFAULT ]
--markread opposite of --leaveunread [ DEFAULT ]
--nostatusonly opposite of --statusonly [ DEFAULT ]
--nogetexternal opposite of --getexternal [ DEFAULT ]
--nosafedownload opposite of --safedownload [ DEFAULT ]
--https use a secure login via HTTPS [ DEFAULT ]
--cookiefile=filename read/save cookies from/to file [DEFAULT none]
--nosecureimap do not use secure IMAP (IMAPS) [ DEFAULT ]
At least username and password must be specified somewhere (commandline,
config-file or in fetchyahoo)