festival_client --version (return code: 0)
festival_client: Edinburgh Speech Tools Library v2.4:release December 2014
festival_client --help (return code: 0)
Usage: festival_client Usage:
festival_client <options> <file0> <file1> ...
Access to festival server process
--server <string> hostname (or IP number) of server
--port <int> {1314} port number of server process (1314)
--output <string> file to save output waveform to
--otype <string> {riff}
output type for waveform
--passwd <string> server passwd in plain text (optional)
--prolog <string> filename containing commands to be sent
to the server before standard commands
(useful when using --ttw)
--async Asynchronous mode, server may send back
multiple waveforms per text file
--ttw Text to waveform: take text from first
arg or stdin get server to return
waveform(s) stored in output or operated
on by aucommand.
--withlisp Output lisp replies from server.
--tts_mode <string> TTS mode for file (default is fundamental).
--aucommand <string>
command to be applied to each
waveform retruned from server. Use $FILE
in string to refer to waveform file