fcitx-remote -V (return code: 1)
fcitx-remote: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: fcitx-remote [OPTION]
-c inactivate input method
-o activate input method
-r reload fcitx config
-t,-T switch Active/Inactive
-e Ask fcitx to exit
-a print fcitx's dbus address
-m <imname> print corresponding addon name for im
-s <imname> switch to the input method uniquely identified by <imname>
[no option] display fcitx state, 0 for close, 1 for inactive, 2 for acitve
-h display this help and exit
fcitx-remote --help (return code: 1)
fcitx-remote: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: fcitx-remote [OPTION]
-c inactivate input method
-o activate input method
-r reload fcitx config
-t,-T switch Active/Inactive
-e Ask fcitx to exit
-a print fcitx's dbus address
-m <imname> print corresponding addon name for im
-s <imname> switch to the input method uniquely identified by <imname>
[no option] display fcitx state, 0 for close, 1 for inactive, 2 for acitve
-h display this help and exit