extractrc --help (return code: 0)
extractrc [flags] filenames
This script extracts messages from designer (.ui) and XMLGUI (.rc) files and
writes on standard output (usually redirected to rc.cpp) the equivalent
i18n() calls so that xgettext can parse them.
--tag=name : Also extract the tag name(s). Repeat the flag to specify
multiple names: --tag=tag_one --tag=tag_two
--tag-group=group : Use a group of tags - uses 'default' if omitted.
Valid groups are: 'default', 'koffice', 'none'
--context=name : Give i18n calls a context name: i18nc("name", ...)
--lines : Include source line numbers in comments (deprecated, it is switched on by default now)
--cstart=chars : Start of to-EOL style comments in output, defaults to //
--language=lang : Create i18n calls appropriate for KDE bindings
in the given language. Currently known languages:
C++ (default), Python
--ignore-no-input : Do not warn if there were no filenames specified
--help|? : Display this summary
--no-unescape-xml : Don't do xml unescaping