exprlp --version (return code: 0)
RLPlot version 1.5
exprlp -HELP (return code: 1)
exprlp: RLPlot export utility, version 1.5.
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 R. Lackner
This is free software published under the GNU
general public licence (GPL).
Usage: exprlp [options] <input> [options] [<output>]
- use stdin/stdout as input or output file; requires
that file format is set by -e | -s | -w option
not an option in the strict sense
-h print this information
-d delete input file after read
-e output Encapsulated PostScript, *.eps
-s output Scalable Vector Graphics, *.svg
-S like -s, start output with "Content-Type: image/svg+xml"
-v print RLPlot version
-w output Windows Meta File, *.wmf
-q quiet mode: suppress output to the console
exprlp foo.rlp foo.svg ;exports Scalable Vector Graphics
exprlp -q foo.rlp foo.eps ;exports Encapsulated PostScript, no messages
exprlp foo.rlp foo.wmf ;exports Windows Meta File
exprlp -sq foo.rlp - ;exports SVG to the console, no messages
exprlp -eq - - ;converts inputfile from stdin to EPS
on stdout: useful for pipes
switch character is either '-' or '/'