evm --version (return code: 0)
evm version 1.6.7-stable-ab5646c5
evm --help (return code: 0)
evm [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
compile compiles easm source to evm binary
disasm disassembles evm binary
run run arbitrary evm binary
help Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--create indicates the action should be create rather than call
--debug output full trace logs
--verbosity value sets the verbosity level (default: 0)
--code value EVM code
--codefile value file containing EVM code
--gas value gas limit for the evm (default: 10000000000)
--price "0" price set for the evm
--value "0" value set for the evm
--dump dumps the state after the run
--input value input for the EVM
--nogasmetering disable gas metering
--memprofile value creates a memory profile at the given path
--cpuprofile value creates a CPU profile at the given path
--statdump displays stack and heap memory information
--prestate value JSON file with prestate (genesis) config
--json output trace logs in machine readable format (json)
--sender value The transaction origin
--nomemory disable memory output
--nostack disable stack output
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version