euscale-create-launch-config --version (return code: 0)
euca2ools 3.3-devel (Yokohama)
euscale-create-launch-config --help (return code: 0)
usage: euscale-create-launch-config -i IMAGE -t TYPE
[--associate-public-ip-address {true,false}]
[--block-device-mapping DEVICE1=MAPPED1,DEVICE2=MAPPED2,...]
[--group GROUP1,GROUP2,...]
[--iam-instance-profile PROFILE]
[--kernel KERNEL] [--key KEYPAIR]
[--ramdisk RAMDISK] [--spot-price PRICE]
[-d DATA | --user-data-force DATA | -f FILE]
[-U URL] [--region USER@REGION]
[-I KEY_ID] [-S KEY]
[--security-token TOKEN] [--debug]
[--debugger] [--version] [-h]
Create a new auto-scaling instance launch configuration
positional arguments:
LAUNCHCONFIG name of the new launch configuration (required)
optional arguments:
-i IMAGE, --image-id IMAGE
machine image to use for instances (required)
-t TYPE, --instance-type TYPE
instance type for use for instances (required)
--associate-public-ip-address {true,false}
[VPC only] whether to assign instances public IP
--block-device-mapping DEVICE1=MAPPED1,DEVICE2=MAPPED2,...
a comma-separated list of block device mappings for
the image, in the form DEVICE=MAPPED, where "MAPPED"
is "none", "ephemeral(0-3)", or "[SNAP-
--ebs-optimized whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O
--group GROUP1,GROUP2,...
a comma-separated list of security groups with which
to associate instances. Either all group names or all
group IDs are allowed, but not both.
--iam-instance-profile PROFILE
ARN of the instance profile associated with instances'
IAM roles
--kernel KERNEL kernel image to use for instances
--key KEYPAIR name of the key pair to use for instances
--monitoring-enabled enable detailed monitoring (enabled by default)
disable detailed monitoring (enabled by default)
--ramdisk RAMDISK ramdisk image to use for instances
--spot-price PRICE maximum hourly price for any spot instances launched
-d DATA, --user-data DATA
user data to make available to instances
--user-data-force DATA
same as -d/--user-data, but without checking if a file
by that name exists first
-f FILE, --user-data-file FILE
file containing user data to make available to
-U URL, --url URL auto-scaling service endpoint URL
--region USER@REGION region and/or user names to search when looking up
config file data
-I KEY_ID, --access-key-id KEY_ID
-S KEY, --secret-key KEY
--security-token TOKEN
--debug show debugging output
--debugger launch interactive debugger on error
--version show the program's version and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit