eulb-create-app-cookie-stickiness-policy --version (return code: 0)
euca2ools 3.3-devel (Yokohama)
eulb-create-app-cookie-stickiness-policy --help (return code: 0)
usage: eulb-create-app-cookie-stickiness-policy -c COOKIENAME -p POLICY
[-U URL]
[--region USER@REGION]
[-I KEY_ID] [-S KEY]
[--security-token TOKEN]
[--debug] [--debugger]
[--version] [-h]
Create a new stickiness policy for a load balancer, whereby the server
application generates a cookie and adds it to its responses. The load
balancer will then use this cookie to route requests from each user to
the same back end instance. This type of policy can only be
associated with HTTP or HTTPS listeners,
positional arguments:
ELB name of the load balancer to modify (required)
optional arguments:
name of the cookie used for stickiness (required)
-p POLICY, --policy-name POLICY
name of the new policy (required)
-U URL, --url URL load balancing service endpoint URL
--region USER@REGION region and/or user names to search when looking up
config file data
-I KEY_ID, --access-key-id KEY_ID
-S KEY, --secret-key KEY
--security-token TOKEN
--debug show debugging output
--debugger launch interactive debugger on error
--version show the program's version and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit