euca-describe-instance-attribute --version (return code: 0)
euca2ools 3.3-devel (Yokohama)
euca-describe-instance-attribute --help (return code: 0)
usage: euca-describe-instance-attribute
(-b | --disable-api-termination | --ebs-optimized | -g | -p | --instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior | -t | --kernel | --ramdisk | --root-device-name | --source-dest-check | --user-data)
[--show-empty-fields] [-U URL]
[--region USER@REGION] [-I KEY_ID]
[-S KEY] [--security-token TOKEN]
[--debug] [--debugger] [--version]
Show one of an instance's attributes.
Note that exactly one attribute may be shown at a time.
positional arguments:
INSTANCE ID of the instance to show info for (required)
optional arguments:
-b, --block-device-mapping
show block device mappings
show whether termination is disabled
--ebs-optimized show whether the root volume is optimized for EBS I/O
-g, --group-id show the security groups the instance belongs to
-p, --product-code show any associated product codes
show whether the instance stops or terminates when
shut down
-t, --instance-type show the instance's type
--kernel show the ID of the kernel image associated with the
--ramdisk show the ID of the ramdisk image associated with the
--root-device-name show the name of the instance's root device (e.g.
--source-dest-check [VPC only] show whether source/destination checking is
enabled for the instance
--user-data show the instance's user-data
--show-empty-fields show empty values as "(nil)"
-U URL, --url URL compute service endpoint URL
--region USER@REGION region and/or user names to search when looking up
config file data
-I KEY_ID, --access-key-id KEY_ID
-S KEY, --secret-key KEY
--security-token TOKEN
--debug show debugging output
--debugger launch interactive debugger on error
--version show the program's version and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit