encode_keychange -V (return code: 1)
Usage: encode_keychange [-fhPvV] -t (md5|sha1) [-O "<old_passphrase>"][-N "<new_passphrase>"][-E [0x]<engineID>]
-E [0x]<engineID> EngineID used for kul generation.
-f Force passphrases to be read from stdin.
-h Help.
-N "<new_passphrase>" Passphrase used to generate new Ku.
-O "<old_passphrase>" Passphrase used to generate old Ku.
-P Turn off prompt indicators.
-t md5 | sha1 HMAC hash transform type.
-v Verbose.
-V Visible. Echo passphrases to terminal.
Only -t is mandatory. The transform is used to convert P=>Ku, convert
Ku=>Kul, and to hash the old Kul with the random bits.
Passphrase will be taken from the first successful source as follows:
a) Commandline options,
b) The file "/root/.snmp/passphrase.ek",
c) stdin -or- User input from the terminal.
-f will require reading from the stdin/terminal, ignoring a) and b).
-P will prevent prompts for passphrases to stdout from being printed.
<engineID> is interpreted as a hex string when preceded by "0x",
otherwise it is created to contain "text". If nothing is given,
<engineID> is constructed from the first IP address for the local host.
encode_keychange -h (return code: 0)
Usage: encode_keychange [-fhPvV] -t (md5|sha1) [-O "<old_passphrase>"][-N "<new_passphrase>"][-E [0x]<engineID>]
-E [0x]<engineID> EngineID used for kul generation.
-f Force passphrases to be read from stdin.
-h Help.
-N "<new_passphrase>" Passphrase used to generate new Ku.
-O "<old_passphrase>" Passphrase used to generate old Ku.
-P Turn off prompt indicators.
-t md5 | sha1 HMAC hash transform type.
-v Verbose.
-V Visible. Echo passphrases to terminal.
Only -t is mandatory. The transform is used to convert P=>Ku, convert
Ku=>Kul, and to hash the old Kul with the random bits.
Passphrase will be taken from the first successful source as follows:
a) Commandline options,
b) The file "/root/.snmp/passphrase.ek",
c) stdin -or- User input from the terminal.
-f will require reading from the stdin/terminal, ignoring a) and b).
-P will prevent prompts for passphrases to stdout from being printed.
<engineID> is interpreted as a hex string when preceded by "0x",
otherwise it is created to contain "text". If nothing is given,
<engineID> is constructed from the first IP address for the local host.