elyxer --version (return code: 0)
* eLyXer version 1.2.5 (2013-03-10)
elyxer --help (return code: 0)
* Usage: elyxer [options] [filein] [fileout]
* Convert LyX input file "filein" to HTML file "fileout".
* If filein (or fileout) is not given use standard input (or output).
* Main program of the eLyXer package (http://elyxer.nongnu.org/).
* Common options:
* --help: show this online help
* --quiet: disables all runtime messages
* Advanced options:
* --debug: enable debugging messages (for developers)
* --version: show version number and release date
* --lyxformat: return the highest LyX version supported
* Options for HTML output:
* --title "title": set the generated page title
* --css "file.css": use a custom CSS file
* --embedcss "file.css": embed styles from a CSS file into the output
* --html: output HTML 4.0 instead of the default XHTML
* --unicode: full Unicode output
* --iso885915: output a document with ISO-8859-15 encoding
* --nofooter: remove the footer "generated by eLyXer"
* --simplemath: do not generate fancy math constructions
* Options for image output:
* --directory "img_dir": look for images in the specified directory
* --destdirectory "dest": put converted images into this directory
* --imageformat ".ext": image output format, or "copy" to copy images
* --noconvert: do not convert images, use in original locations
* --converter "inkscape": use an alternative program to convert images
* Options for footnote display:
* --numberfoot: mark footnotes with numbers instead of letters
* --symbolfoot: mark footnotes with symbols (*, **...)
* --hoverfoot: show footnotes as hovering text (default)
* --marginfoot: show footnotes on the page margin
* --endfoot: show footnotes at the end of the page
* --supfoot: use superscript for footnote markers (default)
* --alignfoot: use aligned text for footnote markers
* --footnotes "options": specify several comma-separated footnotes options
* Available options are: "number", "symbol", "hover", "margin", "end",
* "sup", "align"
* Advanced output options:
* --splitpart "depth": split the resulting webpage at the given depth
* --tocfor "page": generate a TOC that points to the given page
* --target "frame": make all links point to the given frame
* --notoclabels: omit the part labels in the TOC, such as Chapter
* --lowmem: do the conversion on the fly (conserve memory)
* --raw: generate HTML without header or footer.
* --mathjax remote: use MathJax remotely to display equations
* --mathjax "URL": use MathJax from the given URL to display equations
* --googlecharts: use Google Charts to generate formula images
* --template "file": use a template, put everything in <!--$content-->
* --copyright: add a copyright notice at the bottom
* Deprecated options:
* --toc: (deprecated) create a table of contents
* --toctarget "page": (deprecated) generate a TOC for the given page
* --nocopy: (deprecated) maintained for backwards compatibility
* --jsmath "URL": use jsMath from the given URL to display equations