ecryptfs-setup-private -V (return code: 1)
/usr/bin/ecryptfs-setup-private [-f|--force] [-w|--wrapping] [--nopwcheck] [-n|--no-fnek]
[-u|--username USER] [-l|--loginpass LOGINPASS]
[-m|--mountpass MOUNTPASS]
-f, --force Force overwriting of an existing setup
-w, --wrapping Use an independent wrapping passphrase,
different from the login passphrase
-n, --no-fnek Do not encrypt filenames; If this flag is
omitted, and the kernel supports filename
encryption, then filenames will be encrypted
-u, --username Username for encrypted private mountpoint,
defaults to yourself
-l, --loginpass Login/Wrapping passphrase for USER,
used to wrap MOUNTPASS
--nopwcheck Do not check the validity of the specified
login password (useful for LDAP user accounts)
--noautomount Setup this user such that the encrypted private
directory is not automatically mounted on login
--noautoumount Setup this user such that the encrypted private
directory is not automatically unmounted at
-m, --mountpass Passphrase for mounting the ecryptfs directory,
defaults to randomly generated 16 bytes
-b, --bootstrap Bootstrap a new user's entire home directory
Generates a random mount passphrase, which
will be wrapped when the new login passphrase
is set. SHOULD ONLY BE CALLED FROM 'adduser'.
--undo Provide instructions on how to undo an
encrypted private setup
Be sure to properly escape your parameters according to your
shell's special character nuances, and also surround the
parameters by double quotes, if necessary.
ecryptfs-setup-private --help (return code: 1)
/usr/bin/ecryptfs-setup-private [-f|--force] [-w|--wrapping] [--nopwcheck] [-n|--no-fnek]
[-u|--username USER] [-l|--loginpass LOGINPASS]
[-m|--mountpass MOUNTPASS]
-f, --force Force overwriting of an existing setup
-w, --wrapping Use an independent wrapping passphrase,
different from the login passphrase
-n, --no-fnek Do not encrypt filenames; If this flag is
omitted, and the kernel supports filename
encryption, then filenames will be encrypted
-u, --username Username for encrypted private mountpoint,
defaults to yourself
-l, --loginpass Login/Wrapping passphrase for USER,
used to wrap MOUNTPASS
--nopwcheck Do not check the validity of the specified
login password (useful for LDAP user accounts)
--noautomount Setup this user such that the encrypted private
directory is not automatically mounted on login
--noautoumount Setup this user such that the encrypted private
directory is not automatically unmounted at
-m, --mountpass Passphrase for mounting the ecryptfs directory,
defaults to randomly generated 16 bytes
-b, --bootstrap Bootstrap a new user's entire home directory
Generates a random mount passphrase, which
will be wrapped when the new login passphrase
is set. SHOULD ONLY BE CALLED FROM 'adduser'.
--undo Provide instructions on how to undo an
encrypted private setup
Be sure to properly escape your parameters according to your
shell's special character nuances, and also surround the
parameters by double quotes, if necessary.