drive version (return code: 0)
drive version:
Go Version: <GO_VERSION>
drive help (return code: 0)
Name about - print out information about your Google drive
Name copy - copy remote paths to a destination
Name cp - copy remote paths to a destination
Name del - deletes the items permanently. This operation is irreversible
Name delete - deletes the items permanently. This operation is irreversible
Name diff - compares local files with their remote equivalent
Accepts multiple remote paths for line by line comparison
Note: You can skip checksum verification by passing in flag `-ignore-checksum`
* For usage flags: [32m`drive diff -h`[00m
Name edit-desc - edit the attributes of a file
Accepts multiple remote paths as well as ids
* For usage flags: [32m`drive edit-desc -h`[00m
Name emptytrash - permanently cleans out your trash
Name features - returns information about the features of your drive
Name init - initializes a directory and authenticates user
Requests for access to your Google Drive
Creating a folder that contains your credentials
Note: `init` in an already initialized drive will erase the old credentials
* For usage flags: [32m`drive init -h`[00m
Name list - lists the contents of remote path
List the information of a remote path not necessarily present locally
Allows printing of long options and by default does minimal printing
* For usage flags: [32m`drive list -h`[00m
Name ls - lists the contents of remote path
List the information of a remote path not necessarily present locally
Allows printing of long options and by default does minimal printing
* For usage flags: [32m`drive ls -h`[00m
Name move - move files/folders
Moves files/folders between folders
* For usage flags: [32m`drive move -h`[00m
Name mv - move files/folders
Moves files/folders between folders
* For usage flags: [32m`drive mv -h`[00m
Name open - open a file in the appropriate filemanager or default browser
toggle between "web-browser"=bool and "file-browser"=bool
* For usage flags: [32m`drive open -h`[00m
Name pub - publishes a file and prints its publicly available url
Accepts multiple paths
* For usage flags: [32m`drive pub -h`[00m
Name pull - pulls remote changes from Google Drive
Downloads content from the remote drive or modifies
local content to match that on your Google Drive
Note: You can skip checksum verification by passing in flag `-ignore-checksum`
* For usage flags: [32m`drive pull -h`[00m
Name push - push local changes to Google Drive
Uploads content to your Google Drive from your local path
Push comes in a couple of flavors
* Ordinary push: `drive push path1 path2 path3`
* Mounted push: `drive push -m path1 [path2 path3] drive_context_path`
Note: You can skip checksum verification by passing in flag `-ignore-checksum`
* For usage flags: [32m`drive push -h`[00m
Name quota - prints out information related to your quota space
Name rename - renames a file/folder
Accepts <src> <newName>
* For usage flags: [32m`drive rename -h`[00m
share - share files with specific emails giving the specified users specifies roles and permissions
Accepts multiple paths
Specify the emails to share with as well as the message to send them on notification
Accepted values for: + accountType:
* anyone. * user. * domain. * group
+ roles:
* owner. * reader. * writer. * commenter.
* For usage flags: [32m`drive share -h`[00m
Name stat - display information about a file
provides detailed information about a remote file
Accepts multiple paths
* For usage flags: [32m`drive stat -h`[00m
touch - updates a remote file's modification time to that currently on the server
Given a list of remote files `touch` updates their
last edit times to that currently on the server
* For usage flags: [32m`drive touch -h`[00m
Name trash - moves files to trash
Sends a list of remote files to trash
* For usage flags: [32m`drive trash -h`[00m
Name unpub - revokes public access to a file
revokes public access to a list of remote files
* For usage flags: [32m`drive unpub -h`[00m
Name unshare - revoke a user's access to a file
Accepts multiple paths
Accepted values for accountTypes::
* anyone. * user. * domain. * group
* For usage flags: [32m`drive unshare -h`[00m
Name untrash - restores files from trash to their original locations
takes remote files out of the trash
Note: untrash is a relative path command so any resolutions are made
relative to the current working directory i.e
$ drive trash mnt/logos
* For usage flags: [32m`drive untrash -h`[00m
Name url - returns the remote URL of each file
takes multiple paths or ids
* For usage flags: [32m`drive url -h`[00m
Name version - prints the version
current version is:
* For usage flags: [32m`drive version -h`[00m