dpigs version (return code: 0)
1593701 flightgear-data-base
1572431 0ad-data
1238473 firefox-dbg
1212643 alien-arena-data
1038108 kicad-common
742653 texlive-fonts-extra
639539 sauerbraten
623015 supertuxkart-data
552632 ghc
543258 flightgear-data-ai
dpigs --help (return code: 0)
Usage: dpigs [options]
-n, --lines=N
Display the N largest packages on the system (default 10).
-s, --status=status-file
Use status-file instead of the default dpkg status file.
-S, --source
Display the largest source packages of binary packages installed
on the system.
-H, --human-readable
Display package sizes in human-readable format (like ls -lh or du -h)
-h, --help
Display this message.