doconce --version (return code: 0)
command --version not legal, must be among
format, insertdocstr, old2new_format, gwiki_figsubst, remove_inline_comments, latin2html, sphinx_dir, subst, replace, replace_from_file, clean, help, latex_header, latex_footer, guess_encoding, change_encoding, bbl2rst, split_rst, list_labels, teamod, sphinxfix_localURLs, make_figure_code_links, grab, spellcheck, ptex2tex
doconce --help (return code: 1)
Usage: doconce command [optional arguments]
commands: format insertdocstr old2new_format gwiki_figsubst remove_inline_comments latin2html sphinx_dir subst replace replace_from_file clean help latex_header latex_footer guess_encoding change_encoding bbl2rst split_rst list_labels teamod sphinxfix_localURLs make_figure_code_links grab spellcheck ptex2tex
doconce format html|latex|pdflatex|rst|sphinx|plain|gwiki|mwiki|cwiki|pandoc|st|epytext
doconce subst [-s -m -x --restore] regex-pattern regex-replacement file1 file2 ...
(-s is the re.DOTALL modifier, -m is the re.MULTILINE modifier,
-x is the re.VERBOSE modifier, --restore copies backup files back again)
doconce replace from-text to-text file1 file2 ...
(exact text substutition)
doconce replace_from_file file-with-from-to file1 file2 ...
(exact text substitution, but a set of from-to relations)
doconce gwiki_figsubst file.gwiki URL-of-fig-dir
doconce remove_inline_comments
doconce sphinx_dir author='Me and you' title='Quick title' \
version=0.1 dirname=sphinx-rootdir theme=default \
file1 file2 file3
(requires sphinx version >= 1.1)
doconce latin2html file.html
doconce insertdocstr rootdir
doconce clean
(remove all files that the doconce format can regenerate)
doconce latex_header
doconce latex_footer
doconce change_encoding utf-8 latin1 filename
doconce guess_encoding filename
doconce bbl2rst file.bbl
doconce split_rst complete_file.rst
doconce sphinxfix_local_URLs file.rst
doconce grab --from[-] from-text [--to[-] to-text] somefile
doconce spellcheck -d .dict4spell.txt *.do.txt
doconce ptex2tex mydoc -DMINTED pycod=minted sys=Verbatim \
doconce list_labels | latexfile.tex
doconce teamod name
doconce assemble name