docbook2ps --version (return code: 0)
DocBook-utils version 0.6.14 (jw version 1.1)
docbook2ps --help (return code: 0)
jw - Jade Wrapper
Usage: jw [<options>] <sgml_file>
where <options> are:
-f|--frontend <frontend>: Specify the frontend (source format)
(default is docbook)
-b|--backend <backend>: Specify the backend (destination format)
(default is html)
-c|--cat <file>: Specify an extra SGML open catalog
-n|--nostd: Do not use the standard SGML open catalogs
-d|--dsl <file>|default|none: Specify an alternate style sheet
(default is to use the default stylesheet)
-l|--dcl <file>: Specify an alternate SGML declaration
(usual ones like xml.dcl get detected automatically)
-s|--sgmlbase <path>: Change base directory for SGML distribution
(usually /usr/share/sgml)
-p|--parser <program>: Specify the parser if several are installed
(jade or openjade)
-o|--output <directory>: Set output directory
-u|--nochunks: Output only one big file
(overrides the stylesheet settings)
-i|--include <section>: Specify a SGML marked section to include
(should be marked as "ignore" in the SGML text)
-w|--warning <warning_type>|list: Control warnings or display the allowed warning types
-e|--errors <error_type>|list: Control errors or display the allowed error types
-h|--help: Print this help message and exit
-V <variable[=value]>: Set a variable
-v|--version: Print the version and exit