djvused -V (return code: 10)
DJVUSED --- DjVuLibre-3.5.27
Simple DjVu file manipulation program
Usage: djvused [options] djvufile
Executes scripting commands on djvufile.
Script command come either from a script file (option -f),
from the command line (option -e), or from stdin (default).
Options are
-v -- verbose
-f <scriptfile> -- take commands from a file
-e <script> -- take commands from the command line
-s -- save after execution
-u -- produces utf8 instead of escaping non ascii chars
-n -- do not save anything
The following commands can be separated by newlines or semicolons.
Comment lines start with '#'. Commands usually operate on pages and files
specified by the "select" command. All pages and files are initially selected.
A single page must be selected before executing commands marked with a period.
Commands marked with an underline do not use the selection
ls -- list all pages/files
n -- list pages count
dump -- shows IFF structure
size -- prints page width and height in html friendly way
select -- selects the entire document
select <id> -- selects a single page/file by name or page number
select-shared-ant -- selects the shared annotations file
create-shared-ant -- creates and select the shared annotations file
showsel -- displays currently selected pages/files
. print-ant -- prints annotations
. print-merged-ant -- prints annotations including the shared annotations
. print-meta -- prints file metadatas (a subset of the annotations
print-txt -- prints hidden text using a lisp syntax
print-pure-txt -- print hidden text without coordinates
_ print-outline -- print outline (bookmarks)
. print-xmp -- print xmp annotations
output-ant -- dumps ant as a valid cmdfile
output-txt -- dumps text as a valid cmdfile
output-all -- dumps ant and text as a valid cmdfile
. set-ant [<antfile>] -- copies <antfile> into the annotation chunk
. set-meta [<metafile>] -- copies <metafile> into the metadata annotation tag
. set-txt [<txtfile>] -- copies <txtfile> into the hidden text chunk
. set-xmp [<xmpfile>] -- copies <xmpfile> into the xmp metadata annotation tag
_ set-outline [<bmfile>] -- sets outline (bootmarks)
_ set-thumbnails [<sz>] -- generates all thumbnails with given size
set-rotation [+-]<rot> -- sets page rotation
set-dpi <dpi> -- sets page resolution
remove-ant -- removes annotations
remove-meta -- removes metadatas without changing other annotations
remove-txt -- removes hidden text
_ remove-outline -- removes outline (bookmarks)
. remove-xmp -- removes xmp metadata from annotation chunk
_ remove-thumbnails -- removes all thumbnails
. set-page-title <title> -- sets an alternate page title
. save-page <name> -- saves selected page/file as is
. save-page-with <name> -- saves selected page/file, inserting all included files
_ save-bundled <name> -- saves as bundled document under fname
_ save-indirect <name> -- saves as indirect document under fname
_ save -- saves in-place
_ help -- prints this message
Interactive example:
% djvused -v file.djvu
and play with the commands above
Command line example:
Save all text and annotation chunks as a djvused script with
% djvused file.djvu -e output-all > file.dsed
Then edit the script with any text editor.
Finally restore the modified text and annotation chunks with
% djvused file.djvu -f file.dsed -s
You may use option -v to see more messages
djvused -HELP (return code: 10)
DJVUSED --- DjVuLibre-3.5.27
Simple DjVu file manipulation program
Usage: djvused [options] djvufile
Executes scripting commands on djvufile.
Script command come either from a script file (option -f),
from the command line (option -e), or from stdin (default).
Options are
-v -- verbose
-f <scriptfile> -- take commands from a file
-e <script> -- take commands from the command line
-s -- save after execution
-u -- produces utf8 instead of escaping non ascii chars
-n -- do not save anything
The following commands can be separated by newlines or semicolons.
Comment lines start with '#'. Commands usually operate on pages and files
specified by the "select" command. All pages and files are initially selected.
A single page must be selected before executing commands marked with a period.
Commands marked with an underline do not use the selection
ls -- list all pages/files
n -- list pages count
dump -- shows IFF structure
size -- prints page width and height in html friendly way
select -- selects the entire document
select <id> -- selects a single page/file by name or page number
select-shared-ant -- selects the shared annotations file
create-shared-ant -- creates and select the shared annotations file
showsel -- displays currently selected pages/files
. print-ant -- prints annotations
. print-merged-ant -- prints annotations including the shared annotations
. print-meta -- prints file metadatas (a subset of the annotations
print-txt -- prints hidden text using a lisp syntax
print-pure-txt -- print hidden text without coordinates
_ print-outline -- print outline (bookmarks)
. print-xmp -- print xmp annotations
output-ant -- dumps ant as a valid cmdfile
output-txt -- dumps text as a valid cmdfile
output-all -- dumps ant and text as a valid cmdfile
. set-ant [<antfile>] -- copies <antfile> into the annotation chunk
. set-meta [<metafile>] -- copies <metafile> into the metadata annotation tag
. set-txt [<txtfile>] -- copies <txtfile> into the hidden text chunk
. set-xmp [<xmpfile>] -- copies <xmpfile> into the xmp metadata annotation tag
_ set-outline [<bmfile>] -- sets outline (bootmarks)
_ set-thumbnails [<sz>] -- generates all thumbnails with given size
set-rotation [+-]<rot> -- sets page rotation
set-dpi <dpi> -- sets page resolution
remove-ant -- removes annotations
remove-meta -- removes metadatas without changing other annotations
remove-txt -- removes hidden text
_ remove-outline -- removes outline (bookmarks)
. remove-xmp -- removes xmp metadata from annotation chunk
_ remove-thumbnails -- removes all thumbnails
. set-page-title <title> -- sets an alternate page title
. save-page <name> -- saves selected page/file as is
. save-page-with <name> -- saves selected page/file, inserting all included files
_ save-bundled <name> -- saves as bundled document under fname
_ save-indirect <name> -- saves as indirect document under fname
_ save -- saves in-place
_ help -- prints this message
Interactive example:
% djvused -v file.djvu
and play with the commands above
Command line example:
Save all text and annotation chunks as a djvused script with
% djvused file.djvu -e output-all > file.dsed
Then edit the script with any text editor.
Finally restore the modified text and annotation chunks with
% djvused file.djvu -f file.dsed -s
You may use option -v to see more messages