dir2slideshow -v (return code: 0)
dir2slideshow 0.8.4-2
dir2slideshow is part of the dvd-slideshow set of tools.
Copyright 2004-2005 Scott Dylewski <scott at dylewski.com>
dir2slideshow description:
Generates a listing of the pictures in a given directory for easy
input to dvd-slideshow.
dir2slideshow [-o <output_directory>] [-t time_per_picture] [-c duration]
-n slideshow_name [-T] [-M] [-s subtitle_text] [-notitle] [-k] [-theme <themefile>] [-a <audiofile1>,<audiofile2>,...] <directory>
Input directory of pictures.
-n slideshow_name
Name of the slideshow. This will be used in the title slide
as well as for the output file name.
[-o output_directory]
Path to the directory where you want to output file written.
No output directory chooses current directory.
[-t time_per_picture]
Integer number of seconds that the picture will be visible
on the dvd movie. You can edit the output file to make
changes to specific lines. Default is 5 seconds.
[-c duration]
Add a crossfade between every picture for duration seconds.
[-w duration]
Add a wipe effect between every picture for duration seconds.
[-T] Sort by the JPEG header picture taken date, then the file
modified date, and then the filename. Default sorts by
name only
[-M] Sort by the the file modified date, and then the filename.
Default sorts by name only.
[-s "subtitle text"]
Add default subtitle "subtitle_text" to every slide
Use "-s filename" to display filename as the subtitle.
Use "-s path" to display filename&path as the subtitle.
[-s2 "subtitle text"]
Same as -s option, but adds subtitles to subtitle track 2
[-b background.jpg]
Use background.jpg as background image. Default is black.
[-notitle] Do not create a title slide.
[-nofades] Do not create fades at start and end of slideshow.
[-r] Recursively search directories for images,
creating one output file.
[-R] (not working yet)
Recursively search directories for images,
creating one output file for each directory.
[-k] Apply random kenburns effects to each slide
[-p] Use PAL output video format instead of NTSC
[-theme themefile.theme] BETA
Use theme themefile.theme for consistent look & feel
[-a <audiofile1>,<audiofile2>,...]
Use the following audio files in the slideshow.
Files will be played sequentially for the duration of
the slideshow. Use quotes if you have spaces in filenames.
[-B] Use audiobook format. This will look for individual audio files
along with images, and also add titles. You wil probably have to
modify the output to your liking, but this should give you a start.
(alpha!) do not use yet.
[-q] Quiet mode. Less on-scren output.
-h or -help
Prints this help.
dir2slideshow -h (return code: 0)
dir2slideshow 0.8.4-2
dir2slideshow is part of the dvd-slideshow set of tools.
Copyright 2004-2005 Scott Dylewski <scott at dylewski.com>
dir2slideshow description:
Generates a listing of the pictures in a given directory for easy
input to dvd-slideshow.
dir2slideshow [-o <output_directory>] [-t time_per_picture] [-c duration]
-n slideshow_name [-T] [-M] [-s subtitle_text] [-notitle] [-k] [-theme <themefile>] [-a <audiofile1>,<audiofile2>,...] <directory>
Input directory of pictures.
-n slideshow_name
Name of the slideshow. This will be used in the title slide
as well as for the output file name.
[-o output_directory]
Path to the directory where you want to output file written.
No output directory chooses current directory.
[-t time_per_picture]
Integer number of seconds that the picture will be visible
on the dvd movie. You can edit the output file to make
changes to specific lines. Default is 5 seconds.
[-c duration]
Add a crossfade between every picture for duration seconds.
[-w duration]
Add a wipe effect between every picture for duration seconds.
[-T] Sort by the JPEG header picture taken date, then the file
modified date, and then the filename. Default sorts by
name only
[-M] Sort by the the file modified date, and then the filename.
Default sorts by name only.
[-s "subtitle text"]
Add default subtitle "subtitle_text" to every slide
Use "-s filename" to display filename as the subtitle.
Use "-s path" to display filename&path as the subtitle.
[-s2 "subtitle text"]
Same as -s option, but adds subtitles to subtitle track 2
[-b background.jpg]
Use background.jpg as background image. Default is black.
[-notitle] Do not create a title slide.
[-nofades] Do not create fades at start and end of slideshow.
[-r] Recursively search directories for images,
creating one output file.
[-R] (not working yet)
Recursively search directories for images,
creating one output file for each directory.
[-k] Apply random kenburns effects to each slide
[-p] Use PAL output video format instead of NTSC
[-theme themefile.theme] BETA
Use theme themefile.theme for consistent look & feel
[-a <audiofile1>,<audiofile2>,...]
Use the following audio files in the slideshow.
Files will be played sequentially for the duration of
the slideshow. Use quotes if you have spaces in filenames.
[-B] Use audiobook format. This will look for individual audio files
along with images, and also add titles. You wil probably have to
modify the output to your liking, but this should give you a start.
(alpha!) do not use yet.
[-q] Quiet mode. Less on-scren output.
-h or -help
Prints this help.