dia2code -V (return code: 2)
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "--version"
That file does not exist or is not a Dia diagram
dia2code --help (return code: 0)
dia2code version 0.8.3, Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Javier O'Hara
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; read the COPYING file for details.
Usage: dia2code [-h|--help] [-d <dir>] [-nc] [-cl <classlist>]
[-t (ada|c|cpp|csharp|idl|java|php|php5|python|ruby|shp|sql)] [-v]
[-l <license file>] [-ini <initialization file>]<diagramfile>
-h --help Print this help and exit
-t <target> Selects the output language. <target> can be
one of: ada,c,cpp,idl,java,php,php5,python,ruby,shp,sql or csharp.
Default is C++
-d <dir> Output generated files to <dir>, default is "."
-l <license> License file to prepend to generated files.
-nc Do not overwrite files that already exist
-cl <classlist> Generate code only for the classes specified in
the comma-separated <classlist>.
E.g: Base,Derived.
-v Invert the class list selection. When used
without -cl prevents any file from being created
-ext <extension> Use <extension> as the file extension.
Here are the defaults:
ada:"ads", c:"h", cpp:"h", idl:"idl",
java:"java", php:"php", python:"py", csharp:"cs".
Not applicable to shp, sql.
-bext <extension> Use <extension> as the body (implementation) file
extension. Currently only applies only to ada.
Here are the defaults:
-ini <file> Can be used instead of command-line parameters
<diagramfile> The Dia file that holds the diagram to be read
Note: parameters can be specified in any order.