dellBiosUpdate-compat --version (return code: 0)
Libsmbios version: 2.3.1
dellBiosUpdate-compat --help (return code: 0)
Usage: dellBiosUpdate-compat [options]
--help, -h Displays this information
--hdr, -f <args> BIOS update file (.HDR file)
--cancel, -c Cancel a previously-scheduled BIOS update
--force_packet Force update type to be packet-based
--force_mono Force update type to be monolithic-based
--auto_detect Auto-detect update type
--info, -i Dump BIOS update .HDR file info. Does not perform BIOS update
--override_sysid Attempt BIOS update even if .HDR file does not appear to match this system
--override_bios_version Attempt BIOS update even if .HDR file is older than current system BIOS
--update, -u Schedule BIOS update
--test, -t Test this HDR file to see if it is appropriate for this system.
--i_know_what_i_am_doing don't use this option... :-)
--version, -v Display libsmbios version information