delaunay -V (return code: 1)
delaunay: unrecognized option '--version'
Try `delaunay --help' for more information.
delaunay --help (return code: 0)
Usage: delaunay [OPTION] < file.gts
Construct the constrained Delaunay triangulation of the input
-b --hull do not keep convex hull
-e --noconst do not add constrained edges
-S --split split constraints (experimental)
-H --holes remove holes from the triangulation
-d --duplicates remove duplicate vertices
-r --randomize shuffle input vertex list
-c --check check Delaunay property
-f FNAME --files=FNAME generate evolution files
-o --conform generate conforming triangulation
-s N --steiner=N maximum number of Steiner points for
conforming triangulation (default is no limit)
-t --slope maximisation of minimum slope
-q Q --quality=Q Set the minimum acceptable face quality
-a A --area=A Set the maximum acceptable face area
-v --verbose print statistics about the triangulation
-h --help display this help and exit
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