debtags --version (return code: 0)
debtags 2.1
debtags --help (return code: 0)
usage: debtags [-h] [--version] [--verbose] [--debug]
Command line interface to access and manipulate Debian Package Tags
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--verbose, -v enable verbose output
--debug enable debugging output (including verbose output)
valid subcommands
additional help
tag (not implemented anymore)
cat (grep) output the lines of the full package tag database that
match the given tag expression. A tag expression
(given as a single argument) is an arbitrarily complex
binary expression of tag names. For example:
role::program && ((use::editing || use::viewing) &&
check Check that all the tags in the given tagged collection
are present in the tag vocabulary. Checks the main
database if no file is specified
diff (mkpatch) Create a tag patch between the current tag database
and the tag collection [filename]. Standard input is
used if filename is not specified
search (dumpavail) Output the packages matching the given tag expression
show (deprecated) mostly the same as apt-cache show
submit (no longer supported) see for patch submit.
tagcat Output the tag vocabulary
tagshow Show the vocabulary information about a tag
tagsearch Show a summary of all tags whose data contains the
given strings
update Updates the package tag database (requires root)
Collect package tag data from apt cache, regenerate
the debtags tag database and main index. It needs to
be run as root
vocfilter Filter out the tags that are not found in the given
vocabulary file