debdiff-apply -V (return code: 2)
usage: debdiff-apply [-h] [-v] [-c CHANGELOG] [-D DISTRIBUTION] [--repl]
[--source-version] [--target-version] [--no-clean]
[--quilt-refresh] [-d DIRECTORY]
[orig_dsc_or_dir] [patch_file]
debdiff-apply: error: unrecognized arguments: --version
debdiff-apply --help (return code: 0)
usage: debdiff-apply [-h] [-v] [-c CHANGELOG] [-D DISTRIBUTION] [--repl]
[--source-version] [--target-version] [--no-clean]
[--quilt-refresh] [-d DIRECTORY]
[orig_dsc_or_dir] [patch_file]
Apply a debdiff to a Debian source package
positional arguments:
orig_dsc_or_dir Target to apply the patch to. This can either be an
unpacked source tree, or a .dsc file. In the former
case, the directory is modified in-place; in the
latter case, a second .dsc is created. Default: .
patch_file Patch file to apply, in the format output by
debdiff(1). Default: /dev/stdin
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Output more information
Path to debian/changelog; default: debian/changelog
Distribution to use, if the patch doesn't already
contain a changelog; default: experimental
--repl Run the python REPL after processing.
--source-version Don't apply the patch; instead print out the version
of the package that it is supposed to be applied to,
or nothing if the patch does not specify a source
--target-version Don't apply the patch; instead print out the new
version of the package debdiff-apply(1) would
generate, when the patch is applied to the the given
target package, as specified by the other arguments.
Options for .dsc patch targets:
--no-clean Don't clean temporary directories after a failure, so
you can examine what failed.
--quilt-refresh If the building of the new source package fails, try
to refresh patches using quilt(1) then try building it
Extract the .dsc into this directory, which won't be
cleaned up after debdiff-apply(1) exits. If not given,
then it will be extracted to a temporary directory.